(updated January 15th 2002)
When you make an order and mention this special, you can choose a free record
from these labels: Subterranean, Adolescent
, Insight, or Modern
Masters. All you have to do is purchase:
$20.00 or more worth of items you can ask for a free 7 inch,
$50.00 or more worth of items you can ask for a free 12 inch, LP, cassette
(K7), or CD.
$100.00 or more worth of items you can ask for a free double LP or double CD.
You can also ask for more that one item if you spend more (for example, purchase
$70.00 or more and ask for a free 7 inch and a free CD.)
You may use your credit that you have on file with us.
The items that you purchase may be any items in our website or printed catalogs.
These are the restrictions:
If we are out of stock on the items you would like to purchase we can't send
you a free item unless the total purchase meets the requirements, so list alternates.
You have to list at least one alternate for each purchased item or
else the offer is invalid.
The free item can only be from the four labels, Subterranean,
Adolescent , Insight,
or Modern Masters, you have to choose your
free item, and mention your preferred format, or we will do it for you (Tommy
Tadlock's "Poker Keno," anyone?)